Premailer Plus is my set of additions and corrections to Alex Dunae’s excellent Premailer application. Premailer is “Preflight for HTML email”, i.e. it takes your HTML code, and makes it compatible with most email clients. Email clients aren’t like web browsers; their support for CSS is spotty and erratic, and they don’t always render your code the way you’d expect. Premailer takes your CSS and moves it inline to each matched HTML element, and it displays warnings if you use code that’s not well supported by email clients.
Campaign Monitor sponsors and uses Premailer to get your code ready for mass emails. It’s a one of a kind, indispensible service, but I’ve always had a few gripes about the Premailer Rubygem, so I finally decided to fork the code and apply my fixes and improvements.
Since Premailer Plus is distributed as a RubyGem, the easiest way to install it is via the gem
$ gem sources -a
$ gem install mikedamage-premailer-plus
You can download a Zip, Tar, or Gem file from the Downloads section below. If you download the Gem file, use the instructions above, substituting the Gem file's name for "mikedamage-premailer-plus".
If you download a Zip or Tar archive, decompress it and cd
into the folder it creates. Then run:
$ rake build
$ cd pkg
$ gem install <newly_built_gem_filename>
You can get the very latest, bleeding edge version of Premailer Plus from Github if you use Git. Just clone it like so:
$ git clone git://
Once you clone it, follow the installation instructions for Zip and Tar files above.
Each release in the Git repository is tagged, so if you know your way around Git you can checkout and build whatever version you want.
Premailer Plus is released under the terms of Premailer's original license.
Copyright © 2007 Alex Dunae
Premailer is copyrighted free software by Alex Dunae ( You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the conditions below: